Innovative Ministry Team

Innovative Ministry Team


The Innovative Ministry Team (IMT) seeks to support and grow innovative ministries that are specialized to match the unique skills and gifts of our team, with vital needs and opportunities in the community, for the expansion of the Gospel and Kingdom.

イノベーティブ・ミニストリー・チーム(IMT) メンバーの持つユニークな賜物や専門性が、それを必要とする人々のために用いられ、福音宣教・神の御国の進展につながるような新たな働きを、支援し発展させる。

Ministry Focus: Specialized and Compassion.

Base on Specialization and IMT related ministries. Expertise and skills in area of Sports, Technology, Business, Arts, Media, Medicine, and Science. Scope: Community Base and Church Based.


様々な分野でのIMTの概念にそった働き。 スポーツ、IT、ビジネス、アート、メディア、科学等の分野で専門知識、技能を活かす。 様々なコミュニティーのための働きを、地域教会と協力して行う。

Skipper, Dave & Heidi:

Underground Music

Meeko, Andy & Junko:

Taylor, Ken:

JBF Leader

Fleming, Rob & Kathryn:

Discipleship Training

Loh, WengKong & Jaine:

Leadership Development

Smoker, Charles:

Sports Ministry, Campus Ministry

Lapoint Patrick & Megan:

Martial Arts

Ewing Kevin & Alyssa:

Team Leader

College Student Ministry

Welk David & Garrah:

College Student Ministry

Eppler Matthew & Kimberly:

College Student Ministry​

Moore Hayden:

College Student Ministry​

Winkler Chris & Beth:

College Student Ministry​

Coming Soon...

Coming Soon...

Coming Soon...